A Driving Tour of Artist Studios and Galleries
Perry Ingli will be exhibiting his artworks pastels on paper and rubbings of birch bark trees.
, at
the John Onnka Pottery (see; thecreativedrive.com ; website for map)
from the Twin Cities, Mpls.St. Paul metro, take interstate 94 east to WI. Hwy.63,
take a left or go north thru Baldwin, WI past County Rd. 12 to 90th Ave. take a right to 2419 90th Ave.
for info: call 715-684-2407
This is an easy drive to the Creative Drive six sites, six (6) in all, 45 artist's in a diverse offering
of mediums, skill sets and a diverse price points.
for the beginning art viewer or buyer to the mature collector.
Perry's info:
It will be a pleasure to visit with you about my artworks, during this fine Wisconsin weekend.