today, 11-13-07 I finished up my long call substitute teaching assignment at South High School as an art teacher. I started the call Sept. 10th...yesterday on the 12th and today, I assisted my replacement, showing her the subbing ropes, introducing her to all fo SHS as I knew it...and i finished up as mch as possible grading artworks, for the African Art class///the Egyptian section of the class..and then period 2, 4, 5, drawings we had the students hand in their portaits of each other across the table....I graded them all, about 110 students...artworks, mostly A's, with a few B's, and a couple of C's...Our GReat Fifth hour hosted a Pizza party for the whole honor my visiting artist tenure with them..wahat a great group of youth....essentially, I taught all 110 students How to Draw...and then had fun doing it...So did I....
to be continued...